Update Log

An offical update log so I don't loose track of everything
Please ignore any typos
oh man these typos are really getting to me
It's actually really boring up here I should change that
I STILL haven't changed the update boxes to fit the style?? whats up with that I should get on it.


August 5th

The website is finally underway, I used a webiste builder linked on the homepage to generate this framework. I'm mostly focusing on getting the actual code orgnised in a way thats modular, like moving the style into a css and seperating out the different pages. I've centered some text and hare started adjusting the colour of things. Finding a good website pallet is really difficult, and I'm scared of when I need to start approching images. Also for some reason this update log is the most difficult thing to make so far, the entire page broke and started repeating the header multiple time and even though I fixed it I don't actually know what caused it. Oh well...

I've changed the colours of the site to something I like but it took ages and was really hard to choose. Most options were eye-searing, so I'm leaving what I have now alone for a while. Staring at all those colours gave me a headache so I hope you appreciate how everything looks now. I'm kinda not loving the blue and want to cange it to something darker but it's too much effort for now.

Also I learned how to put things in boxes, isn't that cool? I think it is.

OMG I got the art gallery working using some frankinstien-like code, it works perfectly but I will never touch that style sheet ever again in fear of breaking it. Getting everything to line up was insane but I am so proud of myself for getting it. now everybody can see my art! Everything on there was made for paperdemon, but I'm thinking of adding some of my comic stuff and fandom works. I'm either adding a linktree or guest book next so I can have more interaction with you guys than talking into the void yah know?

PS. I gave updates their own unique box now too, how pretty!

August 6th

I made some adjustments to the look of the website, like making the site wider and putting boxes around the navbar buttons. The webite was chached so for a while I couldn't figure out why nothing was updating and ended up googling the issue only to realise I needed to reload the site. There are no major changes, but I have a lot of Ideas. The point of this site is art, so I'm going to make a shiny new header and profil picture. i also want to seperate the gallery into topics and I'm thinking of making chibi art to represent each section so loof forward to that. This site just gets so many ideas flowing and I learn better by doing so I'm getting so much better at html too!

PS. I'm thinking of making this page scroll which is something I've never done before, I'm very excited to see how it turns out.

PPS. It did not work and it's kinda late so I'm leaving it alone for now.

August 7th

Once again the entire look of the website changes, this time with a custom background made by me! In fact I've already started a custom header and have plans for a profile picture, after all this the style of the site shouldn't change too much any more. It would be too much to scrap all this work. I can then shift my focus to finishing details like writing my About page and filling the Gallery. It will be cool to show off more of my work and it really motivates me to keep making more. I works in a bunch of different mediums so its hard to pick what to add next.

Note to self. Remember to change all the boxes and buttons to match the new theme.

Also I'm considering changing the sorting of this update log, what would be better: newer first or older first? It would be best to make the change while there are only a few updates. Also there has got to be a better way to make these updates than typing endlessly in an html file, I'll research that too. Making a website seems to be just be endless research for endless problems huh.

August 8th

We've got a header image now! After a lot of thinking on what I wanted for this site I decided to switch from random pretty colors to a clock tower, the actually general theme is more time itself , but I thought a clock tower would do good to represent that. This fits with my name and my new sona (who is not quite finished yet), she will be a surprise for later. But the meaning of my name might not be obvious to some of you so let me explain real quick, RoundTuit (pronounced: Round - too - it) is short for "get around to it" like start doing it. An old art mentor of mine would ask me if I was finished my assignments yet and when I said no, he asked me "do you have a round tuit?" and when I asked "what's that?" He took a sticky note, wrote "tuit" on it and cricled it. Then he slepped it down in front of me and said "now you got a round to it!" And that was just so funny to me that I never forgot it. Honestly it's a little unwieldy as a name, so feel free to just call me Round. I don't mind, the name reminds me of him and tells me not give up or procrastinate, which considering the rate at which the site is improving I think it's working.

August 9th

I got the scroll wheel on this page working! I did a little extra reading and saw some coding that was so mindbendingly amazing that it made adding the scroll wheel feels super easy and simple in comparison. Thats how I make this website by the way, I look up html tutoriels and go to other peoples amazing site and click inspect element, then I see something so cool I get a headache from my brain expanding, then come back here and add something simple to the site that seemed complicted before. I looked up how to add a lightbox to my gallery and had to lay down with the lights off after, but now I know how to add cool color effects to text and put dropshadows on things, so it evens out. I'm actually in college right now so I'm doing this inbetween assignments and other personal projects too. I take a brake from one by doing others, I'm currently reading a book on writing screenplays and I thinks I have an idea fleshed out enough that I kinda want to write an entire pilot episode for my story, I think would be fun and good practice for future writing. So yeah, very little actual changes to the site but loads of behind the scenes progress, I'm doing things you just can't see it, sorry! Al

PS. I didn't think I would be updating things daily so don't expect a strict update scheduel or anything, this is just coincidence. I will probably get busy soon.

August 14th

I had the pleasure of showing this website off to people only to realise that the site site header breaks when viewed on mobile, why did none of you guys tell me that??? Literally seconds after I sent the link jumped on here and started troubleshooting the issue, now the header doesen't duplicate itself on moblile. You're welcome

August 18th

Now that I know the site breaks on mobile most of what I've done is rectifying that. Now the gallery is better on mobile, I also added a landing page to the gallery so you can pick between topics. It's unfinished, but I want to add art for each section so look forward to that. I tried adding a lightbox effect to my gallery but I don't understand javascript enough to do it, you might have noticed the site exploding for a bit, that was my attempt. I will have to try agin later when I'm better.

August 26th

I would like to introduce to everybody the lovely Tricia! My new sona and mascot for this website, she is a gargoyle with crystal horns and lives in a clocktower like the one pictured in the header. I've been working on her for a while and can't wait to ddraw her for years to come. You can see Tricia around the website already hard at work renovating the pages, and rest assured this is only the beginning of her funny little outfits. She will be playing dress up a lot more in the future so watch out for that!

PS. Making the gif of her transparent was surprisingly difficult for literally no reason and I just know I will have to go through it all over again for future gifs, wish my luck because this website is turning out to be a much larger project than I thought it would be.
PPS. I updated (heh) the updates to look like stonework and YOU CAN MAKE BORDERS GROOVED!!! Why did noone tell me this its sick, I really am only scratching the surface of html everyday I learn something new and cool.
Ok now I'm just playing with borders

August 30th

We have new fonts! The site is currently running two different fonts, one for headers and the others for regular text. I like the header font but I'm still on the fence about the regular text font so there might be more changes in the future. I'm slowly wittling down how I want the front page to look so that might be what changes next. I jiggled the size of things on the website around so some things are slimmer and others wider, notably the navbar has a new look. I slowly building the pseudo-stonework look that I want, but it can be kinda hard to nail down so it's a long journey.